The Async API

TronPy offers a standard synchronous API by default, but also introduces an async client via httpx.

The async client is AsyncTron. It almost uses the same API as the synchronous client Tron.

import asyncio

from tronpy import AsyncTron
from tronpy.keys import PrivateKey

# private key of TMisHYBVvFHwKXHPYTqo8DhrRPTbWeAM6z
priv_key = PrivateKey(bytes.fromhex("8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888"))

async def transfer():
    async with AsyncTron(network='nile') as client:

        txb = (
            client.trx.transfer("TJzXt1sZautjqXnpjQT4xSCBHNSYgBkDr3", "TVjsyZ7fYF3qLF6BQgPmTEZy1xrNNyVAAA", 1_000)
            .memo("test memo")
        txn = await
        txn_ret = await txn.sign(priv_key).broadcast()
        # > {'result': True, 'txid': 'edc2a625752b9c71fdd0d68117802860c6adb1a45c19fd631a41757fa334d72b'}
        print(await txn_ret.wait())
        # > {'id': 'edc2a625752b9c71fdd0d68117802860c6adb1a45c19fd631a41757fa334d72b', 'blockNumber': 10163821,
        # > 'blockTimeStamp': 1603368072000, 'contractResult': [''], 'receipt': {'net_usage': 283}}

if __name__ == '__main__':

API reference

class tronpy.AsyncTron(provider: tronpy.providers.async_http.AsyncHTTPProvider = None, *, network: str = 'mainnet', conf: dict = None)

The Async TRON API Client.

  • provider – An HTTPProvider object, can be configured to use private node
  • network – Which network to connect, one of "mainnet", "shasta", "nile", or "tronex"
conf = None

The config dict.

generate_address(priv_key=None) → dict

Generate a random address.

generate_address_from_mnemonic(mnemonic: str, passphrase: str = '', account_path: str = "m/44'/195'/0'/0/0")

Generate address from a mnemonic.

  • mnemonic (str) – space-separated list of BIP39 mnemonic seed words
  • passphrase (str) – Optional passphrase used to encrypt the mnemonic
  • account_path (str) – Specify an alternate HD path for deriving the seed using BIP32 HD wallet key derivation.
generate_address_with_mnemonic(passphrase: str = '', num_words: int = 12, language: str = 'english', account_path: str = "m/44'/195'/0'/0/0")

Create a new address and related mnemonic.

Creates a new address, and returns it alongside the mnemonic that can be used to regenerate it using any BIP39-compatible wallet.

  • passphrase (str) – Extra passphrase to encrypt the seed phrase
  • num_words (int) – Number of words to use with seed phrase. Default is 12 words. Must be one of [12, 15, 18, 21, 24].
  • language (str) – Language to use for BIP39 mnemonic seed phrase.
  • account_path (str) – Specify an alternate HD path for deriving the seed using BIP32 HD wallet key derivation.
generate_zkey() → dict

Generate a random shielded address.

get_account(addr: str) → dict

Get account info from an address.

get_account_asset_balance(addr: str, token_id: Union[int, str]) → int

Get TRC10 token balance of an account. Result is in raw amount.

get_account_asset_balances(addr: str) → dict

Get all TRC10 token balances of an account.

get_account_balance(addr: str) → decimal.Decimal

Get TRX balance of an account. Result in TRX.

get_account_permission(addr: str) → dict

Get account’s permission info from an address. Can be used in account_permission_update.

get_account_resource(addr: str) → dict

Get resource info of an account.

get_address_from_passphrase(passphrase: str) → dict

Get an address from a passphrase, compatiable with wallet/createaddress.

get_asset(id: int = None, issuer: str = None) → dict

Get TRC10(asset) info by asset’s id or issuer.

get_asset_from_name(name: str) → dict

Get asset info from its abbr name, might fail if there’re duplicates.

get_bandwidth(addr: str) → dict

Query the bandwidth of the account

get_block(id_or_num: Union[None, str, int] = None, *, visible: bool = True) → dict

Get block from a block id or block number.

  • id_or_num – Block number, or Block hash(id), or None (default) to get the latest block.
  • visible – Use visible=False to get non-base58check addresses and strings instead of hex strings.
get_chain_parameters() → dict

List all chain parameters, values that can be changed via proposal.

get_contract(addr: str) → tronpy.async_contract.AsyncContract

Get a contract object.

get_contract_as_shielded_trc20(addr: str) → tronpy.contract.ShieldedTRC20

Get a Shielded TRC20 Contract object.

get_delegated_resource_v2(fromAddr: str, toAddr: str) → dict

Query the amount of delegatable resources share of the specified resource type for an address

get_estimated_energy(owner_address: str, contract_address: str, function_selector: str, parameter: str) → int

Returns an estimated energy of calling a contract from the chain.

get_latest_block() → dict

Get latest block.

get_latest_block_id() → str

Get latest block id in hex.

get_latest_block_number() → int

Get latest block number. Implemented via wallet/getnodeinfo, which is faster than wallet/getnowblock.

get_latest_solid_block_id() → str

Get latest solid block id in hex.

get_latest_solid_block_number() → int

Get latest solid block number. Implemented via wallet/getnodeinfo, which is faster than walletsolidity/getnowblock.

get_node_info() → dict

Get current API node’ info.

get_solid_transaction(txn_id: str) → dict

Get transaction from a transaction id, must be in solid block.

get_solid_transaction_info(txn_id: str) → dict

Get transaction receipt info from a transaction id, must be in solid block.

get_transaction(txn_id: str) → dict

Get transaction from a transaction id.

get_transaction_info(txn_id: str) → dict

Get transaction receipt info from a transaction id.

get_zkey_from_sk(sk: str, d: str = None) → dict

Get the shielded address from sk(spending key) and d(diversifier).

static is_address(value: str) → bool

Is object a TRON address, both hex format and base58check format.

static is_base58check_address(value: str) → bool

Is object an address in base58check format.

static is_hex_address(value: str) → bool

Is object an address in hex str format.

list_assets() → list

List all TRC10 tokens(assets).

list_nodes() → list

List all nodes that current API node is connected to.

list_witnesses() → list

List all witnesses, including SR, SRP, and SRC.

static to_base58check_address(raw_addr: Union[str, bytes]) → str

Convert address of any format to a base58check format.

static to_canonical_address(raw_addr: Union[str, bytes]) → str

Convert hex address or base58check address to base58check address(and verify it).

static to_hex_address(raw_addr: Union[str, bytes]) → str

Convert address of any format to a hex format.


Helper object to send various transactions.

class tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTrx(tron)

The Trx(transaction) API.

account_permission_update(owner: str, perm: dict) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Update account permission.

account_update(owner: str, name: str) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Update account name. An account can only set name once.

asset_issue(owner: str, abbr: str, total_supply: int, *, url: str, name: str = None, description: str = '', start_time: int = None, end_time: int = None, precision: int = 6, frozen_supply: list = None, trx_num: int = 1, num: int = 1) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Issue a TRC10 token.

Almost all parameters have resonable defaults.

asset_transfer(from_: str, to: str, amount: int, token_id: int) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Transfer TRC10 tokens.

create_witness(owner: str, url: str) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Create a new witness, will consume 1_000 TRX.

delegate_resource(owner: str, receiver: str, balance: int, resource: str = 'BANDWIDTH', lock: bool = False) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Delegate bandwidth or energy resources to other accounts in Stake2.0.

  • owner
  • receiver
  • balance
  • resource – Resource type, can be "ENERGY" or "BANDWIDTH"
  • lock – Optionally lock delegated resources for 3 days.
deploy_contract(owner: str, contract: tronpy.async_contract.AsyncContract) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Deploy a new contract on chain.

freeze_balance(owner: str, amount: int, resource: str = 'ENERGY') → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Freeze balance to get energy or bandwidth, for 3 days.

Parameters:resource – Resource type, can be "ENERGY" or "BANDWIDTH"
transfer(from_: str, to: str, amount: int) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Transfer TRX. amount in SUN.

undelegate_resource(owner: str, receiver: str, balance: int, resource: str = 'BANDWIDTH') → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Cancel the delegation of bandwidth or energy resources to other accounts in Stake2.0

  • owner
  • receiver
  • balance
  • resource – Resource type, can be "ENERGY" or "BANDWIDTH"
unfreeze_balance(owner: str, resource: str = 'ENERGY', *, unfreeze_balance: int) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Unfreeze balance to get TRX back.

Parameters:resource – Resource type, can be "ENERGY" or "BANDWIDTH"
unfreeze_balance_legacy(owner: str, resource: str = 'ENERGY', receiver: str = None) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Unfreeze balance to get TRX back.

Parameters:resource – Resource type, can be "ENERGY" or "BANDWIDTH"
vote_witness(owner: str, *votes) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Vote for witnesses. Empty votes to clean voted.

withdraw_rewards(owner: str) → tronpy.async_tron.AsyncTransactionBuilder

Withdraw voting rewards.